
We're constantly looking for opportunities to reach out within our local community but we also have some specific projects.

Soup Kitchen

Our Soup Kitchen runs every Thursday from 6pm until the soup is finished.

We currently serve 140 litres of soup each Thursday, with many folk coming back for seconds or thirds. We love being generous with our soup!

Whilst this is an outreach, our motivation is to thank God for his blessings poured out on us by serving  and blessing those more needy than ourselves. 

The Gathering also supports two other local Soup Kitchens in Macassar.

Homework Club

Our Homework Club is a technology based project in partnership with Green Shoots and runs concurrently with the school year. We use their Maths@Home program which is fully CAPS-aligned

The Homework Club operates from Monday to Thursday in term time for eight kids (Grades 3 to 6) per session twice a week.

If you would like your child to join our homework club please get in touch with us via the Contact link at the top of the page.

Gathering Ground

This is our weekly coffee morning every Wednesday (10am - 12pm), for ladies to come and relax, chat and feel loved & supported. We invariably share a scripture and some thoughts and finish in prayer.
The group is open to all ladies, whatever age etc.